In May of 2013 we introduced The Doll Hospital which was the third and final installment of the Birchwood series. This series is about a little fairy named Edith, her home in an old doll armoire in the woods, and her adventures in the big world. Her best friend is a turtle named Percy who had a very interesting little home in a birch covered clock. The other important friend in the tale is about a woman named Abby who opened a doll hospital. The three kits were all designed "outside the box", just another way to be creative and have some fun.
Here are some photos...
These next photos are of Percy's Waterfront Timeshare (the turtle's home)
A little out of order but these are from Edith's Home.
This is the kitchen.
I loved working on this. The wallpaper and all of the packaging are from an original watercolor that I painted just for Edith (the fairy). The Root Cellar is Edith's studio where she makes all of the lovely pieces of clothing and jewelry that she sells in the Boutique.
Have I sucked you into my fantasy yet?
Here is the Doll Hospital. Of course it had to be housed in a doll, and why not use an oversized Secret Book? The scale of all the furniture and accessories in all of the collection are quarter inch, give or take, because we are talking about a fairy, a turtle and a person.
Here are her cute feet! I love the feet.
Her face is sad. Wouldn't you be sad if you were abandoned, arm torn off, and your belly made into a book?
Part of the story of The Doll Hospital is on the back cover.
Her little doll also comes in the kit. I love little wooden dolls, clothespin dolls and carved wood dolls.
A little book kit was offered in 2010 to the folks who had invested in the Birchwood kits. Making a kit for a book was a trip. My desk was covered with folded pages as I tried to sort out how it would all go together. These are some of the illustrations from the book.
I love these little moles. Aren't they funny? They are helping carry the doll body that was found in the woods, to their friend Edith's new home in an old doll clothes armoire.
This is a watercolor from Winter 2009. Little fairy Edith decorated the woods with clothing she had made for all of her furry little friends. It was her Christmas gift to everyone who had helped her set up her new home.
This was a long post so I think I will wrap up the story of Birchwood. Sadly, most of the series has been retired. As of Nov. 1st 2017 we still have a few Doll Hospital Kits in stock. You will find them on our website while they last.
If you are interested in a print of Birchwood in Winter, please contact us. The size of the prints are 8" x 10" and can be hand signed if you like. The cost is $20.00 plus shipping.
Hope you enjoyed this stroll down Birchwood lane with me.
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